Chapter Three – Dreaming Freedom

We, Astroon, wish to tell you a story.

 There was once an old man who had many children scattered far and wide throughout his own country and in other lands.  The only contact he had with these children was through dreams when he would lead them inside themselves to explore their own inner reality and their connection to each other.

Some of these children knew many of their siblings – others lived in remote areas and were not aware of their large family.  As the years went on and the family multiplied the old man spent very little time awake but followed his offspring into their dreams and showed them the enormity of their inner and outer worlds and the opportunities available to them.  As he prepared to leave this earthly incarnation he began introducing these children and grandchildren to each other and they would wake up inspired to meet one another.  Daily the yearning to meet the other members of their family grew until the desire in each of them became so strong that they left their homes and followed the old man’s directions until they converged on an island and all of the old man’s offspring were in one place.  Each one was filled with a sense of knowing and familiarity; they recognized each other both from their dream experiences and because of their similarities.  Even though they spoke different languages all were able to understand each other and they were filled with delight at this convergence of their true family.

Now the younger members of the family began to play together and entice each other into all sorts of mischief.  The old man was aware of their actions and watched and waited to see what would unfold, he did not interfere. The children became bolder and bolder in their exploits until one day they decided to leave the island and swim to the land that was just visible on the clearest of days. They swam for hours and hours; the land seemed to be getting further away rather than closer.  They began to give up and their courage and bravado left them.  Through their exhaustion they began floating on the water and soon found themselves asleep.  Now the old man could reach them.  Children, come home, send your thoughts back to us and we will be able to entice you home, come home to your family we love you and are not complete without you.  In their sleep the children responded and sent out a deep longing to come home, their bodies moved as the tides changed and effortlessly the sea brought them back to the island.

The children received a great welcome and the old man drifted off to a deep sleep knowing his work was done and that the family members now knew how to take care of their own and call each one home when it was time.  In his last dream the old man sent the love and knowledge all these beings would need until they too were ready to go into their own deepest of sleeps and leave this dream time for a new venture free of the old entanglements of this dream family.

This story speaks to you on many levels but for right now we simply wish to recognize that the island is this earth and that in the current dream the ancient self within you is calling you home and as you rest on the tide your journey will be effortless.

For Lynda this means allowing the eruption and then resting on the tide not trying to keep swimming home, the journey home is effortless.  Then when you are ready you will begin swimming again. The rest on the water of the deep is vital otherwise you keep swimming and the land on the horizon never gets any closer.  For others know your own movement and when you need to swim and when you are returning on the tide, each of you has their own unique experience of this so recognize your natural way of being and embrace it then you are able to move into ease.

We, The Ancient Ones, wish to continue with the next piece of our teaching by issuing you an invitation to come and join us in the middle of the mountain that is just beginning an eruption.  Experience the intensity, the fiery power, the life force necessary to create the eruption, feel it building within the mountain until it can no longer be contained and the explosion occurs as the eruption begins.

As you experience our invitation notice how you are impacted allow your intention to arise within you in response to our invitation. Realize the intention was already there, it began at the identical moment we invited you into the eruption.  Notice the nature of this intention and how it develops as the eruptions continues.  Stay with this experience for a while before moving on to the next part of this document.

The words we offer you come to you through the channel’s movement of eruption.  If you have some idea of your own original earthly creative movement then invite that energy to begin expressing itself within you right now.  If you do not have clarity as to the nature of this movement then ask us for help and allow the next aspect of your work with us to unfold.

Be with this original creative movement allow it to fill your body, notice if you want to stay still or move around, if you want to move notice the nature of the movement.  If you wish to be still notice the stillness and how it impacts you.  Invite the movement of eruption to dance with your own original creative life force, and pay attention to your experience.  This is the movement we come to you on and this is purposeful. The nature of eruption is that of primal change, it can be burning, inescapable, palpable, exciting, terrifying but however you experience it this is a force that cannot be ignored.

In this year 2012 we come to assist you as you move into the fullness of your original earthly expression.  You are doing this naturally, such a movement occurs of its own accord but we wish to assist you to bring clarity to your experience and ease for with knowledge comes understanding of the changes you are going through and offers you a path through an otherwise confusing landscape.

The movement of eruption as a fiery explosion is not constant it is simply one aspect of this continuous movement.  So now we encourage you to move into the aspect that calls you; is it the coming together of the atoms and molecules needed for eruption; is it the building of heat within the mountain?  Is it the beginning of the rumbling, the explosive aspect or the settling after the eruption occurs?  Or yet some other piece that you know intimately.  Notice where and how you connect with the movement of eruption and this will show you how our teachings are impacting you, at this moment in your life, as we chose to connect to you through this particular movement.

From here, after you have absorbed these teachings, and before you step out into your world we ask you to think about what your next activity will be.  How will this activity be impacted by the nature of your original creative movement?  How will it be impacted by your connection to the movement of eruption?  Now, think of a close relationship – how does your original creative movement impact that relationship?  And how will it be impacted after the dance with eruption?  Think of how you relax and how you work, how you play and how you share you life, notice how your experiences with us are impacting your life and you will have more clarity as to the nature of your core movement and what you came to help transform on the planet at this time.

As you work with primal creative movements there is initially the need of full surrender to the movement and that usually involves feeling totally out of control, however once this initial movement is over with knowledge comes a sense of being in charge inside, and then the movement outward is not experienced as so chaotic.

When each of you are expressing this primal creative movement you are fully open for synchronicity to dance in your world, this is what to look for to know if you are moving in or out of alignment with this core creative force that you brought to the planet.  If you experience life as being synchronous then you are expressing your truth, essence.

We suggest you review periods in your life when the synchronicity was palpable, these are core creative experiences and life is experienced with a sense of ease and knowing.  Even though there may be chaos when you allow yourself to move into the fullness of your core expression this is followed by the experience of walking through life with ease.  The knowing flows out of you and this opens doors that otherwise would remain closed and this we wish to discuss.

Knowing is your birthright; it is that which removes stress and keeps you on the path that feeds your soul.   Are you settling for less than knowing?  Are you asking others to tell you or are you going within for your knowledge and wisdom?  Knowing is not available to a select few – it is for all of you and this is an aspect that reveals itself when you move into your essential movement and allow it to flow in and out of you, confusion leaves.  As you move into your essential movement that which is out of synchronicity with your essence changes, this may include family dynamics, finances, health, your spiritual practices and your relationship with the world around you.

As you resist the movement into truth that which is holding you in illusion will become abundantly clear and the knowledge will set you free.

We close today’s transmission with words about freedom.

In order to express the fullness of your creative essence you are required to move into the energetic expression of freedom and any blocks to this movement must be removed. What keeps you locked into confining ways of being?  Cultural or family expectations?  Your relationship with abundance?  An experience of insufficient love?  We will be working with each of you for the next 10 days after you read our words to show you how you resist living in freedom, and we will help you move from being controlled to being free to fully express your essence.

We close for the moment, we offer each of you our love.

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